
Outsource process

Why Outsource to AstronEHS?

vdntvyas 30 Mar 2022

1. Lower Operational Costs Primary reasons why practice chooses to outsource to Astron EHS as We at Astron execute our […]

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How to Improve Claims Management Process

vdntvyas 30 Mar 2022

Improving Claims Management Process Missing documents, undertrained insurance agents, and inefficient claims denial management are among the top reasons that […]

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Medical billing

How has COVID-19 Affected The Medical and Dental Billing Sector

vdntvyas 30 Mar 2022

MEDICAL & DENTAl BILLING DURING COVID-19 COVID-19 has resulted in massive lost revenue and triggered a deep recession that will […]

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Dental Billing

Strategies to increase the revenue of a dental clinic

vdntvyas 30 Mar 2022

Top 15 strategies that can help you increase the revenue of a dental clinic Success in the dental industry requires […]

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Medical billing

The Benefits of Outsourcing Medical Billing Services

vdntvyas 30 Mar 2022

Improving Claims management Process Medical billing outsourcing services are no longer an unconventional approach. Outsourcing is now as mainstream as […]

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Medical billing

Things to Consider Before Outsource Medical Billing Company

vdntvyas 30 Mar 2022

Whether you are leading a health centre, private practice centre, or medical hospital, it is critical to hold all the […]

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